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\ in front of objects
  • I was just looking codes in Fuel application Stationwagon. There are '\' in front of class/object and such as followings. I am hoping what this \ is. Thanks in advance.
    class Controller_Users extends \Controller_User { ...
    $this->template->content = \View::factory('index');
    if ( \Auth::check())
     \Session::set_flash('notice', 'FLASH: logged in');
    and more and more..
  • The \ is for accessing namespaces.
    You can find more about them here: So for example \Auth::check() means call static method check() of Auth class from root namespace.
  • Also one very important point: they're in front of classes, not objects. May seem a small difference to some, but is a very important distinction.
  • Thanks guys. The a part of stationwagon's structure is like this.

    In users.php in modules
    class Controller_Users extends \Controller_User { 
    and above codes.

    My understanding is that when you extend the (global?) class in app, you need use \ to indicate it is global class.
    Controller_User is global since it is under app folder. Am I right?
  • I'm new to PHP OOP, but I thought if you extend a class you have to have a different name for the child class. So I don't understand. Thanks.
    Jaroslav Petrusevic wrote on 01/29/11 10:33 pm:
    @icf, I think it's mainly because now if we extend core classes like DB,
    and try to access the \DB - we get the access the extended DB class
    and if we use Fuel\Core\DB - we access the 'original' db class, not extended one
  • Read up on namespaces, which is pretty much what this topic is about.
  • Shino, this is a good question. I was wondering if namespaces are indeed used correctly and consistently in FuelPHP code... For instance, in packages/activerecord/classes/model.php we have:
    namespace ActiveRecord;
    use \DB;
    use \Database;
    use \Inflector;
    class Model {
    ...and then, somewhere in a method we have this:
     $this->prefixed_table_name = \Database::instance()->table_prefix($this->table_name);

    The first statement means the current namespace is ActiveRecord. First I think something is wrong with the use statements; they are are referring to DB, Database and Inflector classes in the global namespace. But their fully qualified names are \Fuel\Core\DB, \Fuel\Core\Database and \Fuel\Core\Inflector. The same applies for \Database::instance() in the method... I think the correct version is this:
    namespace ActiveRecord;
    use Fuel\Core\DB;
    use Fuel\Core\Database;
    use Fuel\Core\Inflector;
    class Model {
     $this->prefixed_table_name = Database::instance()->table_prefix($this->table_name);
     // Here you could also use its fully qualified name:
     // $this->prefixed_table_name = \Fuel\Core\Database::instance()->table_prefix($this->table_name);

    That's how you'd do it in Java, C# or any other strongly-typed language.
    And that's also what PHP name resolution rules are saying. On the other hand PHP is not strongly-typed and you also have class-autoloading... Also, wouldn't be better to put FuelPHP packages in Fuel namespace, so we'd have Fuel\Core\[...] for system classes and:
    ... It makes more sense to me. And if I'm not wrong, that's how it's declared in Octane. In fact, the whole code in Octane uses namespaces correctly... Any thoughts?
  • reply to my own previous post, digging through code I found this in core/classes/autoloader.php:
      * @var array List off namespaces of which classes will be aliased to global namespace
     protected static $core_namespaces = array('Fuel\\Core');

    So that answers my question on why \Fuel\Core == \ works. All classes within Fuel\Core are aliased in the global scope. Now I understand. But, just out of curiosity, why did you guys choose to do so? Is it simply to make the framework friendly to developers unfamiliar with namespaces?...
  • @icf, I think it's mainly because now if we extend core classes like DB,
    and try to access the \DB - we get the access the extended DB class
    and if we use Fuel\Core\DB - we access the 'original' db class, not extended one

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