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How is FuelPHP different/better than CodeIgniter?
  • Hi all, I'm currently a CodeIgniter user though I've been looking for a more OOP framework. Since FuelPHP is based on/related to CI , I'm wondering how its different than CI, can I see some code examples to see the differences/improvements between FuelPHP and CodeIgniter?
  • well the fact that they have their own ORM and the possibility to use modules is good enough for me.
    Oh and I really like the template controller too! Am not sure if it was implemented in CI2.0
  • Imho Fuel:
    - develops a lot faster
    - has a lot cleaner code
    - has more out-of-the-box functionality
    - module and HMVC support built-in
    - full package support built-in
    - everything is extendable
    - community driven, no "corporate agenda"
  • you may find this article useful
    FuelPHP for CodeIgniter Developers
  • I feel the default conventions in Fuel suit my style better than CI. The CI super object and $this context always created issues for me (I'm too scatter-brained to keep track of where I am in an object at all times)... The static class use in Fuel, IMHO, is much more logical. I enjoy the lack of a $this->load call for every class... CI and Fuel seem like cousins to me, but Fuel implements all of the features that I used to add to my CI installs right off the bat... Migrations, HMVC... I like the "use the core version or replace it" methodology in Fuel as well. Every class is completely replaceable, and for the most part, does not depend on other classes to function. So if you want to replace a class, just drop it in... no worrying about strict object dependency... (well, I guess that depends).

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