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How to make Edit form
  • Hello!
    One more question from me. How can I output data from DB in form fields?
    I gues, it's simple, but I don't know what class/method should I look.
  • oh! It seems that I know how to do it. I should djust read fields and output as a value
  • Are you using ORM?
  • Then you can also use a Fieldset to generate Crud forums, using the models property definitions.
  • Can you give me a simple example how to use Fieldset to fill fields from the database.

    For example, we have in database in table "contacts" field "skype". In the field, where id="1" skype="myskype".
    When I want to edit skype I open url /contacts/edit and see old value "myskype". Edit skype to "mynewskype" and push button Save.

    Please, help me to write controller and view for this case.
  • Use oil to geneate an scaffold example, see

    Then you'll have all components (controller, ORM model, migration and all crud views). The code generated is not the best, but it gives you a good example to work with.
  • Thank you! This is realy good advice!
    I saw this example. But I have a question.
    In example public static function validate($factory) uses for validation.
    I've written $_properties array where I set validation.

    How can I make validation in my situation?
    In example (separate validate function):

    $val = Model_Monkey::validate('edit');
    if ($val->run())
  • Yeah, I know. It's done this way because Oil generated code need to support both ORM and Model_Crud. And only ORM has validation built-in.

    If your using ORM, I would go for the validation as part of $_properties, use the validation feature from the Fieldset, and not use this validate() method:

    $fieldset = \Fieldset::forge('create_monkey');

    if (Input::post()

        if ( ! $form->validation()->error())
            // save the data
            // do something with the errors

  • Is your example good for using this way to set fields in the wiev

    <?php echo Form::input('skype', $advert->skype); ?>

  • With a fieldset, you can either generate the entire form in one go using

    echo $fieldset->build();

    in the form (you need to pass the fieldset object to the view).

    You can also generate the form a field at the time, using

    echo $fieldset->field('fieldname')->build();

    You can also create the fieldset manually, without using add_model();

    $fieldset = Fieldset::forge('newform');
    $fieldset->add('gender', __('newform.gender'), array('type' => 'select', 'options' => __('global.gender')))->add_rule('required');
  • It is not clear for me how does it work... OK, let's try to deal step by step.

    <?php echo $fieldset->field('content')->build(); ?>
    How can I add to this construction output of the field content. (Because this is edit form :) - something like this
    <?php echo Form::textarea('content', $advert->content); ?>
  • Building a fieldset generates the input field, the label, the default value, and everything around it, so it completely replaces manual form building using the Form class.

    A snippet from one of my controllers:
  • Thank you very much!

    Now I have a question, how to set checkbox checked or unchecked (If I type as was shown in example

    'value' => 'true'

    doesn't work. If I write 'checked' in this array - checkboks become checked.)

    I've made additional function in Model_Advert
     public static function getcheckboxstate($advert_id, $optionname)
            $advert = Model_Advert::find($advert_id);
            if ($advert->$optionname == 1)
                return 'checked';
    It works, but I don't know does it make query to DB every time to get the field value?

    (I have in controller        

     $advert = Model_Advert::find($advert_id);

    and the same string in Model. I gues it is not good... But I have no idea how to make "checked" another way.

    Is my question clear? If not - Just show me the way how to set checkbox "checked" if in database field value 1.
  • i've checked the code in one of our apps, but we don't do anything special.

    If you define an ORM property as a checkbox, the Fieldset will automatically check it if the field has a non-zero value.
  • OK... Lets try to do smaller steps ))))

    This is my property (from $_properties array) for checkbox:

     'check' => array(
                'form' => array('type' => 'checkbox',
                    'label' => 'MyCheckbox')

    Is it correct?

    If yes, I cant find in your example where should use

     $advert = Model_Advert::find($advert_id);

    this construction? I gues that it should be required.
    Or how can I show another way which row should I find in my table?
  • Yes, that looks fine.

    Create your fieldset like this:

    $advert = Model_Advert::find($advert_id);
    $fieldset = Fieldset::forge('advert_form')->add_model('Model_Advert')->populate($advert);

    and in your view:

    echo $fieldset->build();
  • Thank's. If I do this way every field is filled but checkboxes are empty :(
  • I think i've got the reason

    'options' => array(1 => 'accept') - this string gives what I want.

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