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Form::forge method
  • I'm starting my first FuelPHP project and I'm just trying to find my way around. I've been following the tutorial and reading through the documentation. 

    One thing I'm a bit confused about is that the tutorial uses the following:

         $form = Form::forge('login');

    but there doesn't seem to be any reference to the Forge method in the From documentation:

    Does it inherit this from a superclass or how does it work? any help much appreciated. 


  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    The documentation mainly touches the form helpers, the static method of the Form class.

    The Form instance is mainly used internally in the Fieldset class, used to generate forms, and supports built-in form validation. You can use it on it's own, but internally it will create a fieldset instance for most of it's functionality.

    There are however methods in there that are also handy to know when you're dealing with fieldsets, so it does need to be documented better. I'll put that on the todo list!
  • Many thanks for the reply.

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