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Best way to force https
  • I'd like to implemente a base controller for secure access such that it will redirect any requests made which are not https to https enabled subdomain of my site.

    I was just going to use the Uri helper to inspect the domain and then do a redirect, but just thought I'd see if anyone has a better way.
  • I guess what I'd actually like to do is set the base url such that assets and things are also loaded in securely.
  • If you're entire site has to be https, the best way to handle it is to use a rewrite rule in your servers virtual host.

    If it's only a couple of pages, then you have to check for it manually (for example in a before method), using Input::protocol() to check if a secure page was requested or not, or upgrade to 1.6/develop, which supports protocol based routing as part of verb based routing (but that requires you to define routes).

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