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standalone action
  • hi, is there any way to run a action controller in background as standalone script.
    i want to convert some videos using ffmpeg lib, and i want to execute a action in background that check the file conversion status, then insert it in the database using the DB class and fuel capabilities.
  • You should use a task for that, which you can start using oil.
  • my application folder is out of fuel dir, so tasks dir  too, how can i use oil in this situation!!
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    The "Tasks" folder can not be moved independently, it must stay where is it.

    You can only move locations for which a path constant is defined in the index.php (i.e. app, fuel/core, fuel/vendor (1.6), and packages). You can also move modules by defining an alternative location in your config.php.

    All other folders are accessed relative to one of the defined paths, so you can't move them elsewhere.
  • and if the tasks folder stay where is, but the app folder move out of the fuel folder?
    it because i use one fuel framwork to manage many apps on a shared hosting, and using  addon domains for each project.



    so it is possible to have for each project its own tasks inside app folder?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    That is not a problem, as long as you change the path constants accordingly.

    You'll have to change the define for APPPATH in your index.php, and in the oil script if you use that. And you'll need to change phpunit files too if you want to run unit tests.
  • Thank you , changing the path in the oil its what i need, i took it for a compiled executable!
    amazing framework, a masterpiece.
    thank you again.

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