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Parsing Error!
  • ErrorException [ Parsing Error ]: syntax error, unexpected '['

    PKGPATH/auth/classes/auth/login/customauth.php @ line 480

    476            throw new \CustomUserUpdateException('Cannot delete user with empty company or user_code'9);
    477        }
    479        $affected_rows = \DB::delete(\Config::get('customauth.table_name'))
    480            ->where('id''='$this->get_user_data($company_code$user_code)['id'])
    481            ->execute(\Config::get('customauth.db_connection'));
    483        return $affected_rows 0;
    484    }

    does anyone has a clue about this pls help
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    I assume this generates the error:
    $this->get_user_data($company_code, $user_code)['id']
    Accessing a function result as an array is only supported in PHP 5.4+.
  • ok Thanks for the help :)

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