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where is OrmAuth config file on W7 with FP 1.5.1?
  • I can't find element require in the doc like OrmAuth, i found driver, SimpleAuth and nothing more...
  • HOW install auth please !
  • OrmAuth was introduced in the Auth package in 1.6, so 1.5.1. doesn't have it.
  • My problem is basic admin panel going on with SimpleAuth, so i install it and create users table but when i going on the main page for admin like:

    I have a Firefox message : La page n'est pas redirigée correctement (page does'nt correct redirect)

    In the user table how coul'd I make the main admin, I don't find any info on this first users...
    I tried Auth::create_user('admin', 'password',...) and I got Parse error - Invalid method...

    Impossible way ?
  • This is an error that was fixed in 1.6.
  • Did I have to copy all the Auth/Migrations files in app/migrations ?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    No, if you run 'refine migrate --all' or 'refine migrate --packages=auth' oil will run those migrations.

    Before you do, make sure you have configured auth (i.e. copied config/auth.php from the package to your app/config, and configured you want to use Ormauth), otherwise the correct tables will not be created.
  • Ok, i find by another way, thank's.

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