What did i install now? I look on GitHub and there is 1.6 and 1.7 add, can you explain what we have to do with ? Use develop or master one, sorry but it's very confusing for me...
masters are release versions, develop is the one we're working on.1.6/master is the latest release.
If you want to install using git, clone the fuel/fuel repo (which is on 1.6/master by default), have git install the submodules, and run composer. You don't need to clone the other repositories manually, and their current branch is not relevant, the submodule system of git makes sure you get the correct version.
If you don't want to use git, download the zip from the website.
Yes it's what i do i download the zip for 1.7 because it's the last one and replace auth by this new one, because when I tried installing GitHub on W7, I observe some slowing on the PC, don't know why...
If you have download the zip from the website (fuelphp-1.6.zip), it will contain all Fuel packages. You still have to run composer to install the external dependencies.
Then you may have a problem, because 2.0 will be completely composer based.
Having said that, nobody is telling you you HAVE to use composer on production systems. None of our production servers have direct (outgoing) internet access for security reasons too.
We include all components (either Fuel packages or composer installed libraries) in the repository of our applications, so they can be deployed in one go, without external dependencies.
The confuse was i mix some version and don't have a clean install, also i miss some composant.
I finally rebuild my config with Netbeans and did the Composer-setup as you told from getcomposer.
So know I got the full Fuelphp 1.6 version and the vendor folder bind with composer in the IDE, I resume my first purpose for build an admin panel with OrmAuth, that woul'd be going on.