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Uploading large files
  • Hello, 

    I am using a form to upload videos to my site. 

    However, I am noticing large files won't even 'set' which results in a failed upload and Model creation. 

    For ex, 

    $episode = \Input::file('episode');

    If I vardump $episode on a file size around 600mb, it returns NULL. However, if I try it on a file that is small, around 4mb or so, it returns the standard array when a file is actually set.

    Is there anyway to fix this? It doesn't even make it to upload. 
  • Check your php.ini settings, by default that has a limit of 8MB or so...
  • Hmm, 

    I checked the ini file, and set both "upload_max_filesize" and "post_max_size" to 2000mb from 32mb. Still getting null, and checked in my logs, it returns "PHP Warning:  POST Content-Length of 680241746 bytes exceeds the limit of 33554432 bytes in Unknown on line 0".

    I should also add, I am developing locally currently using MAMP PRO. 
  • That warning suggests it's still set at 32Mb...
  • Yes, I was trying to edit the ini file manually. Turns out it resets to the default even if you edit it. I had to edit it through MAMP and it worked. Sorry for the confusion. 

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