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"valid_string" multiple rules are not working
  • Hi

    I'm using ORM package.
    and settings properties...

    'price' => array(
    'data_type' => 'float',
    'label' => 'Price',
    'validation' => array(
    'valid_string' => array('numeric', 'dots'), //<- not work
    //'valid_string' => array('float'), // <- work
    'form' => array('type' => 'text'),

    but "dots" validation is not working.
    in Core/Validation, _validation_valid_string method received (string) 'numeric' only...

    allow only one flag?

    // now, I use 'float' flag.
  • You can only pass one value, so perhaps it has to be

    'valid_string' => array(array('numeric', 'dots')),

  • I try array(array('numeric', 'dots'), it works!!

    Thank you!!
  • Cool, problem solved! ;-)

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