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Validation Error Messages
  • Is it possible to set error messages like this?

    $val->add('price', 'Price')
    ->add_rule('valid_string', array('numeric'))
    ->set_message('required', 'The :field is required')
    ->set_message('valid_string', 'The :field contains invalid chars');

    And $val->error('price') outputs the message depending on the rule.

  • If you mean a message per rule per field, the answer is "currently not".

    This is on the roadmap, but at the moment rules and their messages are stored in the validation object, and are therefore global for all fields.
  • Yes, I have meant per rule per field.

    I always did it like that, but wanted to do it more easier

    if($val->error('price')->rule == 'required'){
    echo '....';

    Any way, thank you for the answer.

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