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Unable to change file permission of uploaded file.
  • I'm on Ubuntu and I'm using the fuelphp Upload class to handle my uploads. Here is my configuration:

    $config = array(
                        'path' =>"path/to/upload/folder",
                        'auto_rename'   => true,
                        'randomize' => true,
                        'ext_whitelist' => array('webm', 'ogg', 'mp4'),
                        'create_path'   => true,
                        'path_chmod'    => 0777,
                        'file_chmod'    => 0777,

    Which I give directly to 'Upload' class 'process' static method like this:


    I've set 'file_chmod' to '0777' but when I check the file permission of the uploaded file I don't get a 0777 instead I get a 0644. How can I fix this?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Which version of Fuel?

    I don't see an obvious reason why that would not work. Does your webserver user have the rights to change the permissions?
  • Thanks for the help Harro, I needed to change the ownership of my uploads folder to my webserver user.

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