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Set and get variables using theme templates
  • Hi there, 

    Maybe a stupid question but how do i set and get variables (in my partials) using themes? 

    For example i set

    $this->theme->get_template()->set('title', 'My Title');
    $this->theme->set_partial('header', '_partials/header');

    How can i get the $title var inside the header partial? At the moment fuel returns 

    Undefined variable: title

    ..when i call for $title in my header partial.

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers. ;-)

    The View object has a get() method too, so you can do
    $title = $this->theme->get_template()->get('title', 'not-set');
    This does mean you need to have access to $this->theme in the partial though. It would be more logical to set the title on the header partial though, if that is where you need it.
  • Well i need the current page title that is set in the action_index. But i dont know how to get the variable inside the header partial. Is there a way to pass the variable to the header partial from an action?
  • Same way as with the template:

    $this->theme->get_partial('header')->set('title', 'My title');

  • Hah, ok this is stupid. I know,. I stumbled on it on the docs now. Thanks anyway. 

    I've found your post (here). It is a very useful post to lay out a good base foundation. 
    I had trouble figuring out how to structure everything using themes.


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