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how best to typecast bool before database entry using fieldsets
  • When a boolean/checkbox form field is not checked, I get a database constraint error on save:
    Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'is_a_business' cannot be null

    When I enable the typecasting observer and configure the column's $_properties to have 'data_type'=>'bool' and 'null'=>false, I get this error:
    Orm\InvalidContentType [ Error ]: The property "is_a_business" cannot be NULL.

    I don't want to put in custom code for every single boolean/checkbox field in my app.  What's a good way to solve this problem? I can just allow null in the database, but in my understanding that's less efficient?  Maybe I'm over-optimizing again, though.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    if it's not allowed to be null, you also have to define a 'default' value for the property, which the typing observer will assign if the value is null.
  • Cool, thank you.

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