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  • I using fuelphp v 1.6.1.
    after I login instagram using oauth and redirect to callback with parameter code ""
    why I get "no valid response received in the callback" ??

    I'm sorry if my english is bad.
  • What OAuth implementation?
  • I haven't tested the Opauth instagram driver, but I checked the code, and it works similar to the facebook driver, which I have tested and which works fine.

    It's the internal driver that intercepts the callback URL, and sets up the OAuth session, using the code passed in the URL.

    It looks to me that in your case, the callback doesn't arrive at the Opauth callback processor, but directly at a method in your code.
  • so, how to fix it??
    i really don't know what i must to do with that code.

    i tried to understand the opauth source code but that's very difficult for me.
  • You did install both the Opauth package, and the Opauth Instagram driver through composer?

    What does your auth controller look like? You can use as paste bin...

    The example in the docs is one-on-one taken from one of our working applications, so I'm pretty confident that code is ok.
  • yeah. I install them through composer.

    the source code same with the example, without change.

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    It works fine here with github and facebook. I will see if I can find the time to test Instagram.
  • oke please check it ASAP.
    i very need it.
  • I have the problem. I have test with Twitter, Facebook and Google but doesn't work.

    My routes.php :

    My controller :

    I have the same error, it's at this line :             $status = $opauth->login_or_register();

  • Due to a restructure of our apps I currently have no test environment. There is no need to use routes, so with these routes it will definately not work.
  • Ok, i have test without route, it's work fine.

    I have test Twitter, Instagram and Google.

    Just Facebook doesn't work, the error : 

    Fuel\Core\PhpErrorException [ Notice ]: Undefined index: expires

    C:/wamp/www/test/fuel/vendor/opauth/lib/Opauth/Strategy/Facebook/FacebookStrategy.php @ line 77

    Thanks Harro
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    That's an issue in the Opauth driver, nothing we can do about that. indicates it expects a GET variable 'expires', which appearantly isn't present in your case.

    I suggest you open an issue at to let the author know.
  • Ok thank's, i will do that
  • Ok at least i get my problem.
    I input redirect_uri at the config strategy and it cant redirect to int_callback.

    thanks for the answers. :)

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