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slightly modifying OrmAuth to add slug column
  • How would I go about extending/modifying the model in order to add a slug column to the users table without touching the original user.php file in packages/auth/classes/model? I briefly looked at the documentation to extend an auth package but this has nothing to do with login, groups or ACLs...
  • The Auth package is handled as a core namespace, and aliased to global, so you can extend any class in it.

    create app/classes/model/auth/user.php:

    namespace Model;
    class Auth_User extends \Auth\Model\Auth_User {}

    and don't forget to add the class to your app/bootstrap.php (as documented, see
  • I've followed those instructions but it's not working...

    namespace Model;

    class Auth_User extends \Auth\Model\Auth_User
    protected static $_observers = array(
    'Orm\\Observer_CreatedAt' =--> array(
    'events' => array('before_insert'),
    'property' => 'created_at',
    'mysql_timestamp' => false
    'Orm\\Observer_UpdatedAt' => array(
    'events' => array('before_update'),
    'property' => 'updated_at',
    'mysql_timestamp' => false
    'Orm\\Observer_Typing' => array(
    'events' => array('after_load', 'before_save', 'after_save')
    'Orm\\Observer_Self' => array(
    'events' => array('before_insert', 'before_update'),
    'property' => 'user_id'
    'Orm\\Observer_Slug' => array(
    'events' => array('before_insert'),
    'source' => 'username',
    'property' => 'slug'


    'Model\\Auth_User' => APPPATH . 'classes/model/auth/user.php',
  • What are you exactly doing, in terms of using the model directly, or calling one of the Auth methods?
  • I'm adding the slug observer so that when a new user is added using the Auth::create_user method, a slug is automatically generated

  • Checked the Ormauth Auth drivers, and they all use \Model\Auth_User to access the users table. So I don't immediately see why this should not work.

    Can you add an _init() static method to your model, with a var_dump() or a die() in it, to see if it does get loaded at all?
  • Just did a quick test here.

    In app/classes/model/auth/user.php:

    namespace Model;

    class Auth_User extends \Auth\Model\Auth_User
        public static function _init()
    and in the bootstrap:
        'Model\Auth_User'            => APPPATH.'classes/model/auth/user.php',

    And this terminates with "loaded" without problems...
  • odd. it just refuses to add a slug to the slug column....

    Edit: I've managed to get slugs to work but I had to create a new driver altogether that in effect is a carbon copy of OrmAuth but because of this, OpAuth now no longer works.
  • I used this, and it generates the slug just fine:

    namespace Model;

    class Auth_User extends \Auth\Model\Auth_User
        public static function _init()
            static::$_observers['Orm\\Observer_Slug'] = array(
                'events' => array('before_insert'),
                'source' => 'username',
                'property' => 'slug'

  • i've used that exact same bit of code and it does nothing for me... it's being loaded because i did that test you posted above but for some reason the observer is being ignored.
  • Odd. I have no explanation for it. Time to debug the ORM model and/or the observer?
  • How do I go about that? Read the documentation but i'm no closer to finding out how to debug the observers
  • Go in the code of the observer and add some debug code. See if it's called, and what it does.

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