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  • I've project fuelphp version 1.5
    and I upgrade it to version 1.6.1 with replace core and package folder
    after that I've migrate the database and warden database
    I want to remove warden and change it with simple auth

    when i migrate auth database, i get message "Already on the latest migration for package:auth."
    i've been remove all warden database and config.

    there is wrong with my step to upgrade or i do something wrong??
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    The Auth migrations check the app/config/auth.php configuration file to see what Auth driver you have configured. It supports either "Simpleauth" or "Ormauth". Any other value is ignored, and these values are case sensitive.

    As documented, you need to set this correctly before running the migrations.

    You can check in your migrations table if it did run all Auth migrations. If so, run

    php oil r migrate:down --packages=auth -v=0

    to revert them all. Then make sure your configuration is ok, and re-run the Auth migrations.
  • I've do that but it doesn't work.
    I've rever all migrate and I migrate up itu again but the packages migration doesn't migrate.
  • So it does run all migrations, you can see that? But it doesn't generate the users table (it's the only table created in the case of Simpleauth)?
  • problem is solved
    I forgot the setting config package path

    I'm sorry for my miss :)

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