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Upgrading FuelPhp without composer.
  • Is there any way to upgrade FuelPhp without composer installed in the machine. Because composer in my machine is giving trouble while installation. I use Windows OS
  • No.

    You need composer, as it not only does the package management (download and install the packages, check dependencies, etc), but it also generates a custom autoloader based on what is has installed.

    Without this autoloader, it will not work.

    Perhaps you can tell us what the trouble is, so we can help you fix that instead? Lots of people use Fuel on Windows without problems...
  • It's old message, but it's so useful solution for all who used Windows. Install Oracle VirtualBox + vagrant. Using puppet or similar provisioner you will have such environment as you want, including of Linux with various set of server software (nginx, apache, mysql etc).
  • Good tip!

    I use VB for all my development, mainly to test in different environments. I use the feature to map host folders to map the site I am going to test or develop to the document root of the webserver installed in the VM, so I can easily switch without having to touch the VM, or install something product dependent in the VM.

    Please note that composer also has a Windows specific installer: which might help if you want to stick to Windows...

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