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Here goes my fourth Framework in four days.
  • I have been coding in PHP since forever and have never been a great fan of Frameworks. Loved sharing classes and so on, but most frameworks have always been very limiting or restrictive for larger sites.

    There seems to be a lot of maturity in many of them these days so I have been trying a few out.

    ZF2  - just way too over engineered. I don't even want to see the overhead it takes.

    Symfony2 - Didn't like it.  Don't even remember why.  LOL

    CI - I was a big EE user for a long time, and it was hell getting rid of EE when the site outgrew it.  But the real turn off was lack of separate modules that I can simply copy and paste in to a new project.

    So here goes Fuel! 

    I hope it fits!  

  • Hope it does too!

    If you have questions, just shout, or join IRC, it's pretty active.

    Happy coding!
  • So far so good!  I must say I do like "oil" quite a bit.

    I have a home made utility to create CRUD classes and generate the SQL and so on but scaffolding is pretty sweet,

    I also found the FuelPHP Essentials Video series on YouTube and will keep going through those today.

  • Still enjoying FuelPHP.  Only issue I am having is wondering what will happen in version 2.  

    It's odd how IoC is such a buzz word these days.  The pattern has been around for 20 something years and used quite a bit since, but lately I just keep seeing it everywhere I look.

    I'm all for Dependency Injection.  Love the idea of better unit testing as well.  But now that I have finally decided to settle on a Framework (pretty sure) I am hoping I don't regret it.

    All I l know is I am happy I do not have a bunch of projects that need to migrate to ZF2.

    Cheers and thanks for all the work you have put into Fuel!
  • Version 2 will be the same FuelPHP, but then better. :-)

    One of the major changes will be that some of the static interfaces will be removed, for stuff that should not be global (like Input, which should be part of the request context).

    Everything that remains static will be implemented as a facade, so the underlying object can be better tested, and swapped out if needed.

    We don't have such a need for IoC, since everything in FuelPHP is aliased and therefore already easily upgradable or replacable.

    We don't care very much for all sorts of theory's either: we don't build class stuctures for the sake of it, we want a framework that is simple, easy, and fast.
  • I'm glad to hear this.
  • Just reading through this again.  I need a like button for:

    "We don't care very much for all sorts of theory's either: we don't build class structures for the sake of it, we want a framework that is simple, easy, and fast."

    So 8 months later...   and I am still liking Fuel and am very happy with my choice. My current contract is for a rather large entity here and I am slowly turning on their staff to Fuel.

    My next contract will be for Law Enforcement...   Already go the OK to use Fuel.

    So....  Thanks Fuel!  

    I would love to see some way that this would generate some true income to the fuel team.  It would be nice to be able to fuel some evangelists for Fuel.  :)
  • Thanks for the kudos! And we would love that too... :-)

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