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Theme WSOD
  • Ok,

    I have searched and searched and can't get themes to work.  I always end up with a WSOD.


    public function action_index()
    //Login Check
    $userCheck = \Auth::check();
    //User Logged In
    // MORE CODE

    The theme is in "fuel\app\themes\vatusa
    Assets are in public\themes\vatusa\


    return array(
    'active' => 'vatusa',
    'fallback' => 'vatusa',
    'paths' => array(APPPATH.'themes',),
    'assets_folder' => 'themes',
    'view_ext' => '.php',
    'require_info_file' => false,
    'info_file_name' => '',

    I have gone over the documentation and even looked at the stuff here:

    something is obviously wrong or missing here.........

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Where are you rendering your template?

    Easiest is to take a copy of Controller_Template (which is in fuel/core/controller/template.php), swap the View code in there for Theme code, and use that as a base controller for your controllers.

    In the after() method, if the method called didn't return a response, you create a new response with the Theme instance as payload.
  • I'll see if I can add a Theme base controller to the framework, so you don't have to invent the wheel...
  • Thank you Harro,

    I don't mind inventing the wheel.  Just took a 15th look at the depot code to get it sorted out.
  • Something like

    Just have your controllers extend it, set the $template property in your controllers to the desired page template, and use \Theme::instance()->set_partial() in your methods to define template partials.

    Providing you've got the theme.php config correct, this should work...
  • Thanks for all the help Harro,  I am learning more and more every moment working with Fuel.

    I have the theme system working, now I just need to pass variables to my partials.  I am calling $theme->set_partial('header','layouts/header')->set('title', $title);  and in the partial i am calling <?php echo $title; ?>

    But I am getting an undefined variable exception. 
  • That is exactly how it should, so the problem must be elsewhere.

    if you do a


    in the partial, you should see everything that is passed to the view.

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