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Sticky checkbox
  • I am trying to use Form::checkbox()
    and was wondering if there is ( like for Form::select() ) a way to include a variable that will determine if the checkbox is checked or not.
    thank you.
  • I do it this way:
    $attributes = array(
        'name' => 'checkboxname',
        'value' => 1,
        'checked' => 'checked'
    $checkbox = \Form::checkbox($attributes);
  • Hi Santiago,
    the way you have it , it will always give a checked box.
    what I was looking for instead is a way to give it a value to check against : something along the lines if( $condition ==true) {$checked='checked';} I know CI has a holder for a variable you can use for this purpose, this avoids repetitive conditional code.
  • Not the best way, but the only I could find.
    $attributes = array(
        'name' => 'checkboxname',
        'value' => 1,
    if($dbvalue === 1)
        $attributes['checked'] = 'checked';
    $checkbox = \Form::checkbox($attributes);

    (Or you can extend the form class and do it the right way. Just like in CI)
  • thanks Santiago. that's exactly how i have it now. I was hoping that i missed something in the Docs... I could extend the class myself but i think this is something that should be built in. it isn't that much to add.. i know the guys are busy plenty making Fuel rock ...... but this is perhaps worth requesting :)
  • For a checkbox, only a 0/1 value is relevant and directly linked to "checked='checked'". Maybe some more intelligence is needed in the method?

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