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Why can't I interrupt the REST controllers response before after() is called
  • Before I had a custom router that would call a function and return a response based off of a boolean value but i'd rather just use an unmodified rest controller. Basically if something goes wrong in a method I want to be able to send a failed response with a custom method i've named fail

    public function fail($const = null)
                $message = defined($const) === true ? $const : self::API_ERROR;

                return $this->response(array('success' => false, 'message' => $message), 200);

    and then a method would implement it like this

    public function get_test()
               //do some logic

    but the after() method runs regardless which I want to be used if everything went ok
     public function after($response)
                $message = isset($this->message) ? $this->message : 'success';
                return $this->response(array('success' => true, 'message' => $message, 'data' => $this->output), 200);
  • Your get_test() method needs to return the response from $this->fail().

    After() checks if the return value is an instance of Response and if not it will create one (in this case with a null value, since that is what you return now).

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