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Translations and Localizations
  • I'm a spanish-speaker developer interested in contribute translating core messages, classes and views results of the scaffolding process, etc.

    the Lang Class seems to provide a translation tool for the content, but not for the framework itself.

    I already implement an enxtend of inflector class to singularize and pluralize words in my language, but I'm lost in the rest of work.

    How can I accomplish my goal in a correct "FuelPHP" way?

    thanks in advance!
  • At the moment internal strings are hardcoded. Problem is that in most cases, they are error messages or exceptions, and when those happen, you don't want to be dependent on half the framework to be able to display them.

    We're thinking about how to fix this for 2.0, so if you have idea's on how to implement it with a few dependencies as possible, let us know. All idea's are welcome.

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