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use routes.php to redirect filenames to controller?
  • Hey there, keep up the good work!<span class="string"><br><br>For SEO-purposes i would like to declare sth like </span>

        return array(
            'old_file.php' => 'admin/index',
            '_404_' => 'coursearea/404', // The main 404 route

    , so i would like to redirect to my admin controller.

    How is that possible?

  • I keep getting a Server-404...
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    You can not route on URI's with extensions unless you enable that in the config. Note that that will have all kinds of side-effects, so I advice against using it.

     It's better to use a rewrite rule for that, much more efficient too.
  • thanks for the quick answer - can you give me a quick example of how and where to do that?
  • In your app/config/config.php:
     * Routing settings
    'routing' => array(
         * Whether URI routing is case sensitive or not
        'case_sensitive' => true,

         *  Whether to strip the extension
        'strip_extension' => true,

    and set the last one to false.

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