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Input::put() throws exception when stream is not of PUT type. Small bug?
  • I have discovered that at least in Fuel 1.6.1 if Input::put() is called when the PHP input stream is actually of type POST rather than PUT, an exception is thrown rather than the expected default return value. I believe this may be a small bug. Example line of code:
    echo Input::put( 'isVisible' ); // Run this with not PUT data submitted, only POST.

    An exception is thrown:
    "InvalidArgumentException [ Error ]: First parameter must be an array or ArrayAccess object."

    COREPATH/classes/arr.php @ line 38

    throw new \InvalidArgumentException('First parameter must be an array or ArrayAccess object.');

  • Update: Edited post above as I now believe this to be a small bug.  I believe the default value should still be returned rather than an unrelated exception being thrown.  Even providing a second parameter with a custom default does not work and the exception is thrown.
  • Can you create an issue for this at ?

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