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Using CRUD returnes undefined method
  • Hi everyone,
    This is probably a newbie mistake however whenever I use Model_Users::find() or if I do this:
    $user = new Model_Users();
    $user->username = Input::Post('username');

    Then I get the error "Call to undefined method Model_Users::find()"

    I can however call a function within my model so this seems to be restricted to Fuel's crud methods.

    Any ideas guys?

  • Solved it, Newbie mistake haha, I forgot to load in the ORM package in the config... >.<
  • Ok sorry no I didnt, I just created another error due to a typo, once I fixed that it was back to square one... think I need a coffee!
  • Ok I really have solved it this time, didnt extend the orm in the model...

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