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Output method in Request
  • Hi guys,
    I'm new to FuelPHP. Following the documentation on Request class, I've tryed to use output() method ... but this method doesn't exist in request class!!
    example :
    $request = Request::factory('admin/login')->execute()->output();
    This is a bug of documentation or in my code there's something wrong??
  • It's a bug in the docs, that method was renamed to response() and outputs the response body when echo'ed.
    $output = Request::factory('admin/login')->execute()->response();

    [edit: I edited my reply as I made a mistake in it at first]
  • Jelmer Schreuder wrote on Friday 29th of April 2011:
    It's a bug in the docs, that method was renamed to response() and outputs the response body when echo'ed.
    $output = Request::factory('admin/login')->execute()->response();

    [edit: I edited my reply as I made a mistake in it at first]

    Ok, thank you Jelmer!

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