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Wrong Validation..?
  • Hi,

    When i use:
    $new_task_form->add('count_bots', 'Anzahl Bots (maximal '.count(\Bots\Bots::get_all_bots(\Auth::get('owned_bots'), false)).' verfügbar)', array('class' => 'input-small'), array('required', array('numeric_max', array(count(\Bots\Bots::get_all_bots(\Auth::get('owned_bots'), false)))), array('valid_string', array('numeric'))));

    --> \Bots\Bots::get_all_bots(\Auth::get('owned_bots'), false)) is 5

    And type in 3 I get the error:
    The maximum numeric value of Anzahl Bots (maximal 5 verfügbar) must be 5

    Could you help me?

    Thanks! :-)
  • You made a typo:

    $new_task_form->add('count_bots', 'Anzahl Bots (maximal
    '.count(\Bots\Bots::get_all_bots(\Auth::get('owned_bots'), false)).'
    verfügbar)', array('class' => 'input-small'), array('required',
    false)))), array('valid_string', array('numeric'))));

    should be

        'Anzahl Bots (maximal '.count(\Bots\Bots::get_all_bots(\Auth::get('owned_bots'), false)).' verfügbar)',
        array('class' => 'input-small'),
            array('numeric_max', count(\Bots\Bots::get_all_bots(\Auth::get('owned_bots'), false))),
            array('valid_string', array('numeric'))

    Don't think the count should be in an array, numeric_max doesn't take multiple values.

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