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Casset doesn't works in FuelPHP 1.7
  • Hi there,

    I tried many different ways, but the package Casset does not work in FuelPHP version 1.7.
    Someone have idea of what it could be?

    Thank you.
  • Perhaps start with "what" doesn't work? Error messages? incorrect behaviour? Anything in the logs?

    There weren't any (significant) changes to View and Theme between 1.6.1. and 1.7.
  • The Casset class works well when I use Casset::css('bootstrap.css') in template controller, but in the view file, Casset::render_css(); returns null.
  • Probably is a security or permission issue, but I didn't find it.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    I don't use it myself, but I checked with team mate Uru, his company use it in their applications, and he confirned no issues in any of their application, running from 1.5 to 1.8/develop. So it must be something local.
  • hammathammat
    Accepted Answer
    @heitorfig Any clue of what happened?

    I'm facing the same issue.
    Looks like it goes inside the enabled condition in files_to_render method so it doesn't return any file.

    It works when I enable myself the group just before rendering but still doesn't work if I enable it inside a controller.

    Maybe you found something?
  • mike26mike26
    Accepted Answer
    Go to public/index.php and comment this out:

    if (strpos($response->body(), '{exec_time}') !== false or strpos($response->body(), '{mem_usage}') !== false){ $bm = Profiler::app_total(); $response->body( str_replace( array('{exec_time}', '{mem_usage}'), array(round($bm[0], 4), round($bm[1] / pow(1024, 2), 3)), $response->body() ) );}
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    In general, if you have issues, check if the latest develop branches fixes it (this issue is already fixed).

  • Thanks for your help guys, it worked perfectly!

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