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Multilingual Image Support in Fuel

  • I need to add support for multiple languages in a project.  I have the text part down no problem thanks to the docs and a few great articles I found including this one (

    Now I need to add image support.  I did not find anything for it in my searches in the docs.

    If not where do you think makes more sense, extending Lang or extending Assets.

    Basically I will simply look for a fr/my_image.jpg or cn/my_image.jpg based on current Lang and if not found simply use my_image.jpg.

    Nothing hard but don't want to reinvent the wheel if it's already there and I simply did not find it. 

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    You don't need to extend anything.

    Get yourself an Asset instance, and use add_path() to add the language dependent asset path. That will also provide you with a fallback, if the language specific file isn't found, it will load the generic one (if pressent).

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