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problem creating a simple Request Curl object
  • I'm trying to do an API call to twitter and followed the documentation at but can't seem to get the ball rolling.  (Keep getting the Bloody Hell page).

    Here is my quick and dirty test code (with the set_params and set_header info omitted.)

    $curl = Request::forge('', 'curl');
    $result = $curl->response();
    print_r ($result);

    I realize this won't authenticate but I'm expecting this back from twitter at least.  Anyone got any ideas?  (or a link to an simple working example using the Request/Curl class?  Thanks 
    • errors
      • {
        • message"Bad Authentication data",
        • code215

  • You get that because twitter responds with an HTTP STATUS 400, and the curl driver sees that as a NOT FOUND. So you need to catch that to avoid the framework taking over.

        $curl = Request::forge('', 'curl');
    catch (\HttpNotFoundException $e)
        $result = $curl->response();
        print_r ($result);

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