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ORMAuth users_permission field 'action' format
  • Hello All,

    Maybe my question is too simple for you guys, but I'm still confuse because I cannot find the discussion.

    I want to ask about the action format in table users_permission, I have check some tutorial example is : a:1:{i:0;s:4:"read";} but I still don't understand what is this.

    How to create the action format of : array('add', 'view', 'edit', 'delete')

    Thank you for your help.
  • The permissions table lists all available actions for that permission, in an indexed array format:

        0 => 'add',
        1 => 'view',
        2 => 'edit',
        3 => 'edlete'

    (which is identical to the format you gave, just with index values for clarity.

    Then in the join table (users_permission, users_role_permission, users_group_permission), you list the indexes of the actions that are applicable for that specific combination.

    Say you have user id #1, and you assign it permission id #6 with that array defined on it, and you want to give user id #1 only "view" access, the join record would contain

    array (1)

    which is the index of the "view" action in the permissions array.

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