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throw new HttpNotFoundException error
  • In my code i have such string:
    throw new HttpNotFoundException;

    And instead of showing 404 page it throw a standart error page with backtrace, but without any error message. Why so?


    Fuel\Core\HttpNotFoundException [ Error ]:

    APPPATH/classes/controller/admin.php @ line 218

     throw new HttpNotFoundException;

    1. COREPATH/classes/controller.php @ line 66
    2. COREPATH/classes/request.php @ line 428
    3. DOCROOT/index.php @ line 49
  • 404 processing happens in your index.php, by catching the exception and forging a new request for your _404_ route.

    Did you alter your index.php, or using one from an old version of Fuel that you forgot to upgrade?
  • Harro Verton, no i didn't alter it. I checked that all works fine on the localhost, and error occurs only on production server. May be it related with some server settings?
  • The standard index.php contains:

    // Generate the request, execute it and send the output.
        $response = Request::forge()->execute()->response();
    catch (HttpNotFoundException $e)
        // ...

    If that code block is there, it can also be that your _404_ route is missing from your routes.php config file. If that is the case, index.php will rethrow the exeception as unhandled.

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