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Custom validation error message for each field
  • Hi,

    Is it possible, with the current validation class to set the multiple validation errors for multiple fields and one rule?

    I use the following:

    $val->add_field('login', 'Login', 'required|trim|min_length[5]|max_length[32]|unique[accounts.login]');
    $val->set_message('unique', 'This login is already taken. Please choose another login.');
    $val->add_field('email', 'Email', 'required|trim|valid_email|unique[]');
    $val->set_message('unique', 'This email address is already taken. Please choose another email address.');

    The "unique" rule is used twice for one validation run but only one message (first) will be set for this field error. So the question is - is it possible to customize the message per field for the same rule?

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    No, at the moment the message is linked to the rule.

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