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Fuel Start - It is FuelPHP backoffice system with some ACL features
  • Features

    • Account management with ACL.
    • Account level/role management.
    • Administrator page permission.
    • Multilingual ready.
    • Admin configuration page.
    • Easy template layout system.

    Download: (master)

    For v.1 please use this link

    For any question please ask here or submit issue at Github.

    Thank you.

  • Thanks, I'll try it out this weekend! :D
  • Blog table is missing.

    Fuel\Core\Database_Exception [ 1146 ]:
    Table 'fuelstart.ws_blog' doesn't exist [ SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `ws_t0`.`post_id`) AS count_result FROM `ws_blog` AS `ws_t0` ]

  • to install blog table
    log in to admin and call /blog/admin/setup/install example http://localhost/blog/admin/setup/install

    the sql for install tables are in fuel/app/modules/blog/classes/controller/setup.php
  • Thanks! It worked.
  • Why is that not in a migration file? That would be more logical, and Fuel standard?
  • It is more than just db up or down.
    It is account: login/register/edit profile, account role/level management, permission management.
    I don't know how to get those files and db into migration file.

  • I understand that, I was just responding to "creating the blog table".
  • :D

    Oh! Sorry.

    That blog module is just an example about "How to permission control in module?" and developers can just easily delete those files whenever they want.

    However, thank you about migration idea.
  • We have it built in our deployment system that any "environmental" changes are executed via migrations, so when we deploy an application, or a new version, we run all migrations, and everything is up to date on the new server, no user (or admin) actions required.

    This not only includes database actions (schema changes, conversions, imports, etc), but also all other actions outside the application itself, like creating folders, changing config values, creating defaults in the database (like the initial admin user), installation and removal of modules, etc.
  • Update to v 1.5

    +multi-site support.

    i hope you like it. :)
  • How would you be able to change the site_domain url because I have different locations for all of these sites and none of them are based on fuelphp framework so the current url you have implemented does not work. I would like to customize how it would use the site_domain when viewing the site(s)
  • @MoakDesigns

    I'm not sure what you ask, sorry.
    Why and how current URL does not work?

    The site_domain you said is in database. it contain only domain name not URL.
    To change domain log in to admin and go to extension > multi-site management > edit the website you want to change.

    You said you have sites not based on FuelPHP in different location.
    The Fuel Start have nothing to do with those thing.


    Talk about site manager in Fuel Start 1.5+ and about to get site_id for non FuelPHP application.

    When you clean install it has default site with domain localhost for call website from localhost and it will match to site_id = 1.
    When you add new site example and call it. The script will match domain to site_id = 2.
    You got those site_id from \Model_Sites::getSiteId(); and you can use those site_id to choose what content in database for what website.
    To get site_id from outside FuelPHP, you have to include fuel/app/classes/model/sites.php before call to this model.
    ps. you may have to include extended model too if just include model does not work.

    more about multi-site coding in FuelPHP
  • No, the domain name is fine but I'm saying when you go to visit the site from the dropdown menu on the navbar and once you click on the site you want to visit, there is something in the uri statement or sitePath that adds on /fuel-start/public/en to the domain url and I don't want that. Is there a way that I can prevent the fuel from adding on that part of the path to the domain url? or at least let me customize how the sitePath should be established. 
  • I'm assuming that it has to do with this part of the code

         * get website root path
         * example: website install at /fuelstart from webroot (/). sitePath will return /fuelstart
         * @param string $uri
         * @return string
        public static function sitePath($uri = '')
            $site_url = \Uri::create($uri);
            $domain = static::protocol() . \Input::server('HTTP_HOST');
            return str_replace($domain, '', $site_url);
        }// sitePath

  • @MoakDesigns
    go to public/public/themes/system/admin/template.php

    Those links are in the line between 34 to 64
    You can directly modify from theme. or you can modify sitePath function but i'm not recommend.
  • Well I have other sites with different url path that the other sites would have such as


    either way, I need to be able to edit this easily in the site manager part and I am trying to figure out the best solution to this. 

    I am very positive that this line of code is what deals with the addition of the rest of url so I assume that I would have to remove this line or set it to empty?

        $domain = static::protocol() . \Input::server('HTTP_HOST');

  • from this function
        public static function sitePath($uri = '')
            $site_url = \Uri::create($uri);
            $domain = static::protocol() . \Input::server('HTTP_HOST');
            return str_replace($domain, '', $site_url);
        }// sitePath

    this line get protocol with current viewing domain.
    $domain = static::protocol() . \Input::server('HTTP_HOST');

    the function
    sitePath did generate path only base on Fuel Start install dir.
    example: install dir is /fuelstart call \Uri::sitePath('admin') you will get /fuelstart/admin.

    $site_path = \Uri::sitePath('admin');
    <li><?php echo \Html::anchor($site_protocol . $fs_site->site_domain . $site_path, $fs_site->site_name); ?></li>
    you will get link to http://domain.tld/installdir/admin

    <li><?php echo \Html::anchor($site_protocol . $fs_site->site_domain . '/yourphpapp', $fs_site->site_name); ?></li>
    you will get link to http://domain.tld/yourphpapp


    if you have sites with different url path, you may have to create link management to display it.

  • Update to v1.5.4

    + User's permission from previous version that there is only role's permission.

    This will give you more admin power to set permission for users.
    I hope you like it. :)
  • Update to v1.5.6

    From there are just 'the page template' & 'content template'.
    Now lets rock with 'layout template'

    For more details, please see this wiki page.

    All suggestions are welcome. :)
  • Good news!

    I have made ORM properties generator. here ->

    I've seen this web tools in Phalcon. It is really great and easy for generate model.
    My tool cannot generate model directly but it can generate and display for you to copy it into your ORM model file.

    For anyone who don't use Fuel Start, you can copy the code and made it as your style.
  • 1.6 :)

  • good work vee, but something like menu manager missed,
  • @nasserman No, It is just backoffice for begins the project with FuelPHP. Why do people need menu manager?

    Or you can made it as a module and share. ;-)
  • I currently testing that, i like it,
  • vee i saw a cms in your site, agni cms, but i did not Thai ;) is it based on this starter kit?

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