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iam working on pagenation uri_segment
  • i am trying to create segment which has a parmeter like 

    i have created a segment as given below
    'pagination_url' => '',
                                'uri_segment' => '?batchcode='.Input::get('batchcodename').'&page',
                                'total_items' => $ctr[0]['counts'],
                                'per_page' => 20,

    but when pagenation like is created i am recive the link as given below

    due to this on the next page i am not reciving the batch code 
    can u tell em how to define the url segment with on paramete in it
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    It doesn't work like that.

    'uri_segment' is either a number (if you use uri segments) or a string (if you use GET variables).

    so it should be

    'uri_segment' => 'page',

    the rest should be part of the pagination_url, which is used to construct the final URL.

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