Seems to be very good. I was working on something similar. Would you mind if I PR some features? I would probably discontinue my package and commit the few features to yours.
fstarlike > You need to install the package (read the guideline). But if you want to manage your menu, you need to create your own backend, or install the module (read the guideline too)
thank u very much. AND Another question : Forexample, Ihave asubmenuwithfruitslikeapples andorangesand bananasbranchesofthe menu. Well IgotthebananadetailshowIgotto the main menu, thesamemenuIwouldgetthe fruit. Itwasina lotofpossiblemenu and submenu. ThecontraryshowcategoryTree
This looks great! I'm feeling so bad I wasted more than 10 hours yesterday and today just to create a function to get a simple HTML tree list out of a Nested set.
- ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Class '\Backend\Controller_Backend' not found.
It's because the controller \Menu\Controller_Backend need to extends your admin controller in your project. In my case, the admin controller is named \Backend\Controller_Backend