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Upload::Process not throwing Exception
  • I am getting the following error from Upload::

    ERROR - 2014-03-13 18:19:16 --> Error - No uploaded files were found. Did you specify "enctype" in your <form> tag? in /Users/mikep/Sites/ on line 94

    I know what the problem is, I simply want to catch it.

    [Thu Mar 13 18:17:09.646742 2014] [:error] [pid 958:tid 4481605632] [client] PHP Warning:  POST Content-Length of 18126422 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0, referer:

    However I was expecting Upload::process to throw a FuelException

  • It throws a \Fuel\Upload\NoFilesException exception.

    I don't see any encapsulation in the v1 facade class, so you should be able to catch it.
  • I was using:

            // process the uploaded files in $_FILES
            } catch (Exception $e){
                $this->exit_status($e->getMessage(), -1);

    And it never got thrown.  It is in a REST controller (not that it should make a difference).
  • Is that controller in a namespace?

    If so you need to catch \Exception, otherwise PHP tries to catch a class called "Exception" in the current namespace, which is never thrown.
  • It is not...  but for the fun of it I will give it a try tonight or tomorrow and see if it makes a difference.


    class Controller_Admin_DocumentRest extends Controller_AdminRest {

  • Just noticed you capture the process() call.

    The check happens in the constructor, so depending on your config (auto_process comes to mind) the class might be instantiated somewhere else, before you get to this bit of code.

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