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Very basic module question
  • Hi, Never done anything with modules before but going to start using them in a new site. I have enabled the config with:
    'module_paths' => array(
    ), I have a module named "store_manager" with a directory structure as follows -modules
    - -store_manager
    - - -classes
    - - - -controller
    - - - - -products.php
    - - - -model
    - - - - -products.php
    - - -config
    - - -lang
    - - -views
    - - - -products
    - - - - -dashboard.php the controller has the following code <?php
    namespace store_manager; class Controller_Products extends Controller { public function action_index()
    $this->output = Model_Products::hello_world();
    } The model has this code <?php namespace store_manager; class Model_Products extends Model { public static function hello_world()
    return 'hello world!';
    } I can't seem to access the module using a URI string. I would have thought it would be located at but it throws up a 404 generated by the welcome controller. I added a test controller in the same place as the welcome controller and I can access that using How do I access the module??? Many thanks in advance Craig
  • Modules are CamelCased in the namespace. And make sure your configuration file has had the module paths uncommented.
  • Cheers for the reply, It shouldn't matter if its all lowercase should it? either way I have changed the namespace to StoreManager but still nothing works. The config file is fine but nothing form the module is being used. I can litter the controller with errors but all I get is a 404 ??
  • Sorry. I'm on an iPhone so a long response is hard... namespace StoreManager in your classes. in your URL. storemanager is your directory name. Add the module at runtime.
  • Still no joy, just a 404 from the welcome controller.
  • I'm sorry I can't help more, I'm at the zoo... Lol. But here's a link to a working module. Perhaps you'll be able to find what you need in there?
  • Cheers for trying to help. Not having much luck here, used the modules in that github repo but even they throw a 404. I installed the whole repo and it just throws numerous errors. :/
  • Got it working but have no idea how. I downloaded a new copy of Fuel, installed it and moved the modules back and everything worked :/ Not really sure what was the problem.
  • Fixed is fixed I guess :)
  • After I read your post I tried to see what was happening and found out that there were some issues when using CamelCased in the modules. I forked a fix in [this branch] ( "axelitus/fuel_core/branch/develop"). I figured out some issues regarding the Autoloader class. I also fixed the Config class to work well with modules, because there were some issues while saving config files. Hope this helps.

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