What do you think about adding a Auth::member_of($groups) where $groups = array.
Or still use Auth::member but add support for arrays.
The idea being that I have different auth controllers for different parts of the site.(public, private, moderators room, admin).
So an Admin as access to all.
A mod to private and mod areas.
A user to private.
I just wanted a quicker way to see if they can even access that area (auth controller). I pass in an array of group id's that are allowed to that area and it returns true or false it the user is a member of one of those groups.
Yeah, that is how a lot of people use groups. Something I don't agree with.
For me, groups are a way to group otherwise unrelated users, so 'users' is fine as a group name. However, 'administrator', 'moderator', etc are roles a user performs, so you should use roles for that. Then to each role you assign the permissions.
This has another advantage: you can only assign one group to a user, but you can assign unlimited roles. So if your security model becomes more complex, using groups is going to become a problem, how are you going to translate having rights A,B,D,F but not C and E into a single flat group structure?