I am trying to figure out all the tables in OrmAuth. Please help fill in the blanks or correct me...
users: User information users_clients: ????????? Actual clients/customers???? users_groups: Groups Table users_groups_permission: The permissions assigned to groups users_groups_roles: The roles assigned to a group users_metadata: addition information for the user. (hierarchal?) users_permissions: permission items users_providers: For external Auth APIs (Facebook, Twitter, oAuth, openID) users_roles: Roles that can be assigned to users (filter???? user_id?????) user_role_permissions: specific permission items associated to roles. users_scopes: scope of ???? users_sessions: Doesn't seem to be what I thought it is.. so ??????? users_sessionsscopes: ??????? users_user_permissions: user permissions cross reference table users_user_roles: user roles cross reference table
users_metadata: Additional user data as EAV container users_roles: 'filter' is a role filter (e.g., "A" for allow all, "D" for deny allow, "R" for revoke assigned permissions). 'user_id' is, as in other tables, the ID of the user that last edited the respective row users_scopes: If i recall it correctly it's from OpAuth, but dunno its purpose users_sessions: Stores sessions from OpAuth and is only needed for that purposes users_sessionscopes: Again something from OpAuth which maps `users_sessions` to a scope
clients. scopes, sessions and session_scopes are tables required by the Opauth package.
The 'user_id' fields towards the end are a left-over. Ormauth was designed for our application framework, and we have an ORM base model that not only records last-changed, but also which user made that last change.
So it has nothing to do with the Auth system (which I agree is confusing), the base model used that field name long before OrmAuth existed.
But, this information about what the tables are respective to would be extremely helpful on the auth introduction pages; either in the ormauth, or opauth pages. I noticed the same thing, and spent the last half hour looking for this info.
The documentation is very helpful with the login/group/acl stuff, but with some of the tables mentioned above, it is very confusing. I plan on implemented opauth, and almost whacked those tables because I couldn't figure out their purpose. It would have probably led to a bigger problem when I went to implement.