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error cloning fuelphp
  • Hi devs, when i clone fuel i get this error:
    Warning - include(/var/www/html/validation/fuel/packages/oil/bootstrap.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in COREPATH/classes/fuel.php on line 287
    i cant  work with the Auth package and i really need to use it, can anyone tell me something to fix it?
  • Looks like a permissions error. Are you sure your webserver user has access to the files?
  • it looks like that but even when i used chmod -R 777 file/ it doesn't work, but i formated my pc and i getting a new error, i really dont know what's happening
  • Neither do I.

    The file it is trying to load is really there? You are using PHP 5.3.3. or newer? Did you also check the rigths on the folder the file is in, or any higher folder, and see if the webserver can access that?
  • i gave it all the permissions and was the same, im on fedora i really tyred of all those errors. about php i always donload the latest PHP version, so i think is not the problem
  • Then I don't know. I develop on Fedora myself, and I have never seen any of this.
  • thanks for your time i solved it but i still dont know why this happened, t=the way i solved it was with this commands inside the fuel directory :

    php composer.phar update

    git submodule init

    git submodule update

  • How did you install it then? Just cloned the fuel/fuel repo? Ignoring the submodules? That is not going to work, no.

    Perhaps you should have checked the docs on how to install it?
  • yes i think i should have do it, but anyway thanks, and i think they could improve this in the future to make it easier.
  • Fuel v2 will be completely driven by composer.

    You install the framework package or clone the repo, run a composer update, and it will pull the rest in for you. It also has the app separated from the framework, so it can have it's own repo, which makes updates easier.

    No more submodules. ;-)

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