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Issue about Theme and HMVC Request
  • Hi,

    I use Theme for my project. Here is my template controller :

    My action widget : 
        public function get_widget()
            if (\Request::is_hmvc())
                return \View::forge('backend/widget')->set($this->data);

    When i do this in an action : 

            $this->theme->get_template()->set('pageTitle', __('url.title.manage_all'));
            $this->data['widget'] = \Request::forge('url/backend/index/widget', false)->execute();

    The 1st dump show the pageTitle, but the second return error :
    OutOfBoundsException [ Error ]:
    View variable is not set: pageTitle

    Why the HMVC Request re-initialize all my template vars ?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    It looks like that HMVC call redefines your template? That will load the View again, making you loose all variables.

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