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What is cache section?
  • from document
    at delete_all function

    $section string Name of a section or directory of the cache, null to delete everything

    What is section? i don't see about this in other part of cache document.
    and How to set cache with directory? because when i use set cache with / in identifier it throw error!
  • kenjiskenjis
    Accepted Answer
    Good question!

    It seems that you can set cache with dot, like ''.

  • Correct. You can use a cache key like "module.function.keyname", and with delete_all("module"), you delete every cache item that starts with "module.".

    It's easiest to understand if you use the file driver, where that key translates to the ./module/function/keyname.cache file. The delete_all('module') will delete the ./module folder, and everything in it.
  • Thanks. I see Frenky has already beaten me to it. ;-)

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