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Acessing Viewmodel from Controller
  • How to forge Viewmodel  from Controller? I have ErrorException [Fatal Error ]: Class 'Viewmodel' not found

  • where to use this command Viewmodel::forge('index');
  • Is your controller in a namespace? If so you need to prefix it with a \ to force a load from the global namespace.

    So \Viewmodel::forge()...
  • Controller:
    class Controller_Index extends Controller

        public function action_index()
            return Viewmodel::forge('index');
    class View_Index extends Viewmodel

        public function view()
            $this->title = 'Testing this Viewmodel thing';

            $this->articles = Model_Articles::find('all');
    <h1><?php echo $title; ?></h1>

        foreach ($articles as $a)
            echo '<li>'.$a->title.'</li>';

  • ViewModel, not Viewmodel.
  • I said before that the documentation is puzzle for me.
  • How to use Viewmodel with code?
  • I gave you an example a view posts back?
  • I need to check where the class name issue comes from.

    Fuel standard is that classnames are ucfirst(), so the docs are correct. But I see the welcome controller use ViewModel, which is odd...
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Was a bug in the autoloader, I have just fixed it in 1.8/develop. If you're on 1.7.x, you can just backport it from the repository.
  • Thank you, it works but the FuelPhp community is going to prosper if you or someone repair the documentation. 
  • Docs are correct, the standard is ucfirst(), so it is "Viewmodel", not "ViewModel".

    The problem was that:
    a) the class itself is wrongly named ViewModel (for historic reasons, and never corrected)
    b) the autoloader was case-sensitive, which is wrong, because class names in PHP are not. Which is now fixed, so as of 1.7.2 this problem no longer exists.

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