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Learning FuelPhp
  • Hello. I want to thanks everyone first and especially Harro Verton. My question is how to learn to progam with FuelPhp effectively. And what knowledge do I need to know to start?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    For starters you need to know object oriented PHP. There are tons of books about the subject, but in my experience nothing beats getting your hands dirty and start coding. You'll learn quicker from your mistakes than from books.

    To be able to use FuelPHP effectively, you need to have a bit of an understanding of how front controller systems work, what the Model-View-Controller (MVC) principle is. And again, start coding. Give yourself a task to do ("I am going to write an application that does xyz"), and start coding.

    If you get stuck, try to figure it out yourself. If you're still stuck, ask your question here, or pop into our IRC channel (#fuelphp) on Freenode, there is always someone online to help you out.

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