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Override module config
  • Hi,

    It's possible to override module config from app config ?

    Example, menu config is initially in : modules_path/menu/config/menu.php

    It's contains : 
    'from' => 'module',
    'key1' => 'value1',

    I load the menu config in the controller : modules_path/menu/classes/controller/foo.php

    And i've the menu config for override in : app_path/config/menu.php
    It's contains :
    'from' => 'app',
    'app_key' => 'value_key',

    I want to have this result :
    'from' => 'app',
    'key1' => 'value1',
    'app_key' => 'value_key',

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    No, if you have the same config in app and module, the module wins.

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