In Input::server(), I can see I have [PHP_SELF] => /btw/index.php and [QUERY_STRING] => /dev/system, which seems wrong. Some other values seem strange also (eg [REDIRECT_FUEL_ENV] => production, strange [DOCUMENT_ROOT] etc), but I don't want to post other values publicly (I can send them privately).
It's a newly configured server, so there might be something amiss in the server configuration.
Have you any idea what might be the cause, and/or what I could do within FuelPHP or request of the server administrator to resolve this?
Whilst we’re using Apache here, PHP is running over FastCGI which makes it behave similarly to an nginx install. Since PHP isn’t directly integrated into the Apache request pipeline, it doesn’t get access to the internal variables – which means it doesn’t get the pre-mod_rewrite URL. All it gets is the complete URL after rewriting, so for it will only see and set the $_SERVER variables accordingly.
This gave me sufficient clue to go to the .htaccess, where I removed the question mark from the Apache FCGI rewrite (ie index.php/$1 in place of index.php?/$1).
So you're not using the htaccess that is supplied by the framework? Because that has built-in support for all different apaches setups, including FastCGI.
Harro, I can well believe it (newly configured server in new production role). I can check for further details with the sysadmin if it might be helpful to you, but otherwise it's now working fine for me!