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[1.7.2] Overwriting Routes from Modules
  • Suppose i have a module named "backend". I have this structure inside "app" folder:


    So, i can access my controller in URL/backend/user/index

    Then, i want to create in a controller that can be accessed via URL/backend/customer/index
    But for now i want to put it inside the app folder, not inside the backend module. So i create file:


    The problem is, i cannot access the desired URL. I take a look at the core file, it seems that once the module is found, FuelPHP ignored the other controller inside a folder with same name, although FuelPHP cannot find the controller inside the module.

    What is the best approach for this?
  • You need to change class name to follow cascading filesystem convention.
    What are your controller classes names?
  • I already follow the class name.

    For class in the app folder:
    class Backend_Customer extends Controller_Core_Base {}

    But it still cannot be found.
  • Fuel doesn't fall back to global once the module is detected. So what you want to do is not possible.

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